The reason that people faint is because there is insufficient blood flow to the brain. That's why, if someone is sitting down and feeling faint, she should put her head between knees. Getting the head level with the heart helps increase blood flow. If someone is standing and feels faint, you need to help her to lie down, cushion her head and elevate her feet to get blood flowing to the brain. If she goes unconscious.

If you're considering private medical insurance, you may or may not have to disclose personal details depending on the type of policy you're looking at. Find out the difference between policies here.

One of the things that most people are concerned about when applying for private medical insurance coverage is their privacy.

There are two different ways a private medical insurance company will look at you as a potential customer. The first involves a medical history declaration. This is a form that you fill out that gives all of the details of your past medical history. In addition, it usually includes permission for the insurance company to talk with your doctor about any medical information they like. This is, from a privacy perspective, the most invasive route to private medical insurance.

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